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Where is your lightshow

Posted: Sat Oct 12, 2024 7:42 pm
by support
This post is only for your knowledge.
All lightshow actions can be done with the function "Export / Import" from our software.

A lightshow is a system folder with the name of the lightshow.
The lightshow folder is stored in the following locations, depending of your operating system:

Windows - C:\Users\<UserName>\TheLightingController_II\LightShows\
MacOS - /Users/<UserName>/TheLightingController_II/LightShows/
Linux - /home/<UserName>/TheLightingController_II/LightShows/
Android - /Android/media/com.easydigitalconcept.TheLightingController/TheLightingController_II/LightShows/
iOS - /data/Containers/Data/Application/<UUID>/TheLightingController_II/LightShows/

It is possible to open the lightshow folder from our software in the window "Manage lightshows".
Due to the security rules, it is not possible to open the lightshows folder from our software on Android / iOS devices.