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APC40/20 fader does not move the speed slider [fixed]

Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2024 2:29 pm
by rentashow

I'm trying to migrate my current sweetlight v9 show to the new beta software for testing. In the "old" software we are using the faders of the APC's to switch on a generated pan/tilt scene. And with the fader, i'll adjust the speed of this generated scene. In the new software I can't get this to work. The fader just triggers the generated scene and doesn't change the speed. Any ideas of the settings I need to apply to this button? Or is this something that is no (yet) possible in this beta version?

In the old software my button settings were:

vertical-slider: on
speed properties > manual speed: speed slider on; master speed: none
button-trigger: apc20 fader; just learned the fader, no settings changed


Re: APC40/20 speed sliders

Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2024 4:52 pm
by rentashow
I think I found it. I needed to change the midi control type to fader.

Re: APC40/20 speed sliders

Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2024 7:00 pm
by support
Yes, you found it :-)