Inquiry and Comment

declare your DMX fixtures
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Inquiry and Comment

Post by Mivan »

Fixtures: I setup of 26 fixtures which went quite straight forward and other than the fact it takes quite a while, and some fixture manuals are awful, I had no issue with the process.

- I have been unable to get Pan Tilt Settings to enable, the whole page is greyed out on any/all my fixtures, and I am unclear as to why nor did I find answers in the manual. I do note I also do not see the "Offset Tilt (dmx)" option as shown in the manual on the page. There is a vertical hover over scroll bar on the right side of the control box, though it does not scroll. I'm running 1920x1080 on a 32" and 24" Monitors. No other window is truncated in this manner.

- I do think from a logic sense, Fixtures belongs above faders in the Button <<burger>> since without fixtures loaded the faders do nothing.

- More visual contrast for the tabs as delineated on "Channels---- Properties----3D View" and Settings----Pan Tilt Setting" would be nice.

Thank you,
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Re: Inquiry and Comment

Post by support »

Please keep in mind that we can do the profile of your DMX fixtures for free: viewtopic.php?t=28
I have been unable to get Pan Tilt Settings to enable, the whole page is greyed out on any/all my fixtures
Please send a link yo download a ZIP of your lightshow (viewtopic.php?t=47), and we will check that.
I do note I also do not see the "Offset Tilt (dmx)" option as shown in the manual on the page
The scrollbar is very closed to at the right side of the pan/tilt square. Please try again. Alternatively, you can use the mouse wheel to scroll down the section and the scroll bar will appear.
Fixtures belongs above faders in the Button <<burger>> since without fixtures loaded the faders do nothing
The module "Faders" is exclusively to give more confort for DMX fixtures addressing and eventually to create / check the profile of a DMX fixture. It does not know anything about the channels configuration in the rest of the software.
More visual contrast for the tabs as delineated on "Channels---- Properties----3D View" and Settings----Pan Tilt Setting" would be nice
Noted. But this is a standard pre-made theme ; we are afraid we can not change it. We will check anyway.
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Re: Inquiry and Comment

Post by Mivan »

I did see the link for making the profiles, though I also know the manuals I have are not entirely accurate so I wanted to do them myself and explore your software at the same time... which is what led to my main initial comments about the "Faders" section.

Sending a zip of my test show will have to be a weekend thing, when I have time. I have noted it, thank you. How about a jpeg? I see and can select the scroll bar; it simply won't move and everything in the box is greyed out.

Right... see my reply under Faders.

No worries, don't break it... Perhaps the font could go up a step instead? Then again, perhaps they are already huge on smaller devices?
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Re: Inquiry and Comment

Post by support »

The best for us is to have a ZIP of your lightshow. Afterwards, it should be easy for us to understand and fix a possible problem.

The advantage of the libraries we are using is they auto-arrange all gadgets including text and so on in order to get the best possible GUI.
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Re: Inquiry and Comment

Post by Mivan » ... p=drivesdk

Here's my current "My Default" lightshow.... for you to examine the "Pan/Tilt" issue, as it remains greyed out and off page in all my lightshows.

I would also like to comment it was super easy adding another universe and swapping light banks over to it! Well done, I was actually anticipating that process to be a pain, it was very smooth.

Thank you,
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Re: Inquiry and Comment

Post by support »

Here's my current "My Default" lightshow.... for you to examine the "Pan/Tilt" issue, as it remains greyed out and off page in all my lightshows.
There are two causes of the problem:
- the names of the channels have capital letters; like for instance "Pan" instead of "pan"
- the fixture's type in the window "Edit profile" tab "Properties" was "Not in 3DView"
Please replace your profile in your lightshow by the attached profile and this will fix the problem.
Please note that we found a lot of similar problems in the software's bank of profiles. We are working to fix them for these past few days. We will publish soon a new version of our software with the updated bank of profiles.
In the meantime, you can submit some profiles requests here viewforum.php?f=33 and we will do clean ones for you.
Please read this for profiles requests: viewtopic.php?t=28
I would also like to comment it was super easy adding another universe and swapping light banks over to it! Well done, I was actually anticipating that process to be a pain, it was very smooth.
Thank you !
Mini GoBo
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Re: Inquiry and Comment

Post by Mivan »

- the names of the channels have capital letters; like for instance "Pan" instead of "pan"
I would point out if those fields are editable, which they clearly are or I couldn't have, then the system shouldn't care if I renamed them Bob Up/Bob Down, Twirl Left/Twirl Right, or anything else... it should track them as Renamed. As is, it is almost akin to my EQ not working when I rename Track 1 "Kick" in my DAW.

- the fixture's type in the window "Edit profile" tab "Properties" was "Not in 3DView"
I tried the 3D on, though clearly that wouldn't have worked with the above "issue" you noted.

I appreciate you taking the time to fix it, though I don't think I will... I actually don't believe I even need it, and as pointed out elsewhere, the 3D feature is more pain than value to me anyway. At least for now.

Thank you,
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